It felt like some sort of Gothic Carnival experience while witnessing Los Angeles-based Raven Black during their tour in the summer of 2019.

This very theatrical act melds a rather dark and ominous looking stage circus-like performance with hard edged sonics — and that formula does work well!
Led by very captivating lead songstress “Raven” (stage name) (who’s vocal style banters effectively between harsh aggression and deceiving sweet) – Raven Black also features lead guitarist/vocalist “The Doctor”, “Stitches” on Bass and “Muppet” on drums.
Since 2013 the band has released just a few singles and music videos — but are now on the cusp of their first full length album release – which is scheduled to be available from Ulrich Wild/WURMgroup.
For more information on Raven Black and to sample some of their pretty cool and brooding metal sonics/video – check out their official: HERE
Event post and photo gallery by Bruce Biegler